En blogg som handlar om mig,mitt liv i vardagen på både gott och ont, en dagbok helt enkelt. Hundar och barnbarnen betyder mycket för mig...♥


Allmänt Permalink48
Det lutar lite åt det hållet, men än är det väldigt trögstartat och först ska hundarna ut, sen får vi se....
Gråväder som vanligt men uppehåll i alla fall. 
Jag håller som sagt på att leta efter utryckssymboler,smileys på nya mobilen..Samsung galaxy S4, alla tips mottages tacksamt. Det borde väl inte vara så svårt. Till och med gubben som har en ny Nokia och svär över den att han inte fattar nånting, kom triumferande i går kväll och visade att han  minsann hittat sina "smileysar"....
Nej nu går vi ut vovvs och jag....
#1 - - Sita:

Jag har inga på mobilen vad jag vet. Men på chatten här på datorn finns många bakom det som ser ut som en kundvagn. Kram

#2 - - Annika:

Hoppas att du hittar lite smileysar. Kul att få kika in på Ikea och få lite inspiration om inte annat.
Ha en fin måndag.

#3 - - Decdia:

På iPhonen så får jag gå i på språkinställningar och aktivera emojis (smileysar) som andraspråk där. Men jag har för mig att det inte ska behövas på androider.

#4 - - Decdia:

Jag googlade och hittade denna länken Den kanske hjälper?

#5 - - ansepanse:

:) J svär över sin mobil, fortfarande ibland, jodå :)
men jag kan inte hjälpa dig med sådant eftersom jag bara har en helt enkel vanlig mobil utan finesser
här är det en grådag idag också

#6 - - Herr Nilssons Fru:

Haha ja dessa små telefoner, jag har en S3:a jag. La in Runkeeper appen igår så jag kan hålla koll på min träning och alla steg man tar, den är helt perfekt.
IKEA jag var där i lördags - trevligt ställe de :)

#7 - - Ama de casa:

Mmmm... Köttbullar! Jag skulle satsa på IKEA om jag var som du :-)

#8 - - fia:

Ah där var jag igår. Skulle kolla kök för vi funderar i de banorna men kom hem med ljus och servietter för 800 kronor. Dyrt ställe ;))))))
Ha så roligt

#9 - - yvonne:

Du hittar smileys efter ett tag!....Men Bamse böhöver väl ingen så stor bromskloss?Kram!

#10 - - mickis:

Kan inte hjälpa dig med din mobil tyvärr... Men det borde ju finnas smilysar. Kanske är ngn app man ska ta hem?
Hoppas du hittar ngt kul på IKEA!

#11 - - Decdia:

Det finns säkert en app med roligare symboler om de som finn i telefonen inte är roliga!

#12 - - Henrik Olsson:

Blev det IKEA? :)

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If you have wanted to increase penis size every since you realized that it is possible to do so, join the club! Most men out there are unhappy with the size of their members and hence, try to do whatever they can to turn the situation around. The first thing they do is log onto the internet and try to find the most popular method out there and decide that because people are talking about it, it should work, right? Wrong!
Pills, extenders and surgery, oh my! They don't increase penis size.
Extenders are stretchers that are attached to the penis to pull it and make it longer. The idea behind this contraption is that if you pull the organ for a long enough period of time, the muscle will extend and you will be able to increase penis size. All that sounds great but sadly enough, it is not possible. How can it be? You can't pull your fingers or your hair to make them grow, can you? Same logic applies for your member and those who came up with extenders obviously meant it as a joke of some kind. Well, nobody's laughing.
Surgery is the worst option because it involves going under the knife and obviously, taking a huge risk. The procedure is very expensive and you may or may not get the results you need. If you do, you will be on bed rest for at least a month and during those 30 days, you will need somebody to help you go to the bathroom and if the surgery doesn't go well, you will not be able to go to the bathroom without crying out in pain every time. Why would you put yourself under that much stress and practically kill yourself to increase penis size, especially because there is another method out there that will add at least 3 inches to your length and 3.5 inches to your girth without any pain whatsoever? It is known as biochemical penis enlargement.
Puberty is that horrible time in our lives when everything changes, our moods irritate us and the worst part at the time is that our bodies look alien even to us! That's when a boy's penis starts growing because the growth hormone kick-starts the creation of a chain which extends through the body. This chain is made of nutrients and biochemicals which are active in the body which makes sure that the growth hormone does its job well. After a certain point, the process of puberty ends and some of these nutrients and biochemicals are removed from the chain which basically means that they are not active anymore- they still exist in the bloodstream but as dormant elements.
With the help of biochemical penis enlargement, these nutrients can be made active once again and hence, you can increase penis size in the right manner. What the above mentioned products forget to mention is that until and unless the insides of your body agree with the external products, no change will take place. This thought is the reason behind this method's success and because it makes perfect sense, you honestly can't go wrong with it! It keeps the external and internal resources in total harmony and makes sure that you increase penis size without the unnecessary stress and sleepless nights.
Do I need to Exercise to Increase Penis Size? One thing you need to keep in mind is that there are people out there who claim that they have seen excellent results by using pumps and weights to increase penis size but again, the chances are 50-50. However, once you are done with the biochemical penis enlargement treatment, you can carry out simple exercises, sans the weights and pumps to increase penis size. This will make sure that the said biochemicals remain active and that they remain where they are supposed to exist. Once the level of nutrients and biochemicals in your body is high enough, you will be able to increase penis size and it works fast enough so you can't argue on that front!
The best part about biochemical penis enlargement, apart from the obvious, is that once you have perfected the te

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